Gnar has a similar item path as a Garen Build, the only differnce is that Gnar wins garen hard in lane. This intern causes gnar to be placed in a much lower tier within the LoL Tier List. However this League of Legend champion can be difficult to master, even if your able to play this champion like the God he is organizing your team to make the most of your Mega Gnar + Ult can be far more Challenging. Gnar Arguably one of the strongest Top Lane Champions in the Meta currently. Wukong has been highly valued in this League Tier List for quite some time. The Damage Wukong can do with a Tiamat + Black Clever is so strong that you may find yourself diving the entire enemy team with your Ult.
Wukong If you are able to win your lane phase as Wukong then your Team Fights will be a slaughter.